Mitsubishi Elevator organizes the seminar to provide knowledge on “Basic Passenger Assistance Methods During Elevator Malfunctions” :: MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Changes for Better


Mitsubishi Elevator organizes the seminar to provide knowledge on “Basic Passenger Assistance Methods During Elevator Malfunctions”

Mitsubishi Elevator organizes the seminar to provide knowledge on “Basic Passenger Assistance Methods During Elevator Malfunctions”

Mitsubishi Elevator (Thailand) organized a seminar and training session on the topic of " Basic Passenger Assistance Methods During Elevator Malfunctions”. The purpose of this event was to provide fundamental knowledge about elevator systems to ensure utmost safety for building owners, facility managers, and users.

The seminar took place on September 8, 2023, at the Mitsubishi Elevator (Thailand) Training Center, attended by 37 participants. We aimed to educate and give the knowledge about important elevator functions and basic techniques for assisting passengers during elevator malfunctions to reduce accidents and the most safety.